Text Box: 1/2” x 36 YDS  72 rls/cs   Price: $1.99/ea
1/2” x 60 YDS  72 rls/cs   Price: $3.31/ea
3/4” x 36 YDS  48 rls/cs   Price: $2.99/ea
3/4” x 60 YDS  48 rls/cs   Price: $4.98/ea


1/4” X 60 YDS  144 rls/cs  Price: $1.69/ea
3/8” X 60 YDS    96 rls/cs  Price: $2.53/ea
1/2” X 60 YDS    72 rls/cs  Price: $3.29/ea
3/4” X 60 YDS    48 rls/cs  Price: $4.99/ea

Custom widths available from 1/4” to 52”


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Product #452 1/2” X 60 YDS.  Hand-Held

Distributors of fine mounting and packaging tapes for

Framers, Printers and the Graphic Arts

Text Box: Tape specification sheet

Product #452, is a higher tack product than our regular #400.  The tack is about 90 ounces per inch width, versus 25 for our 400.

Product Summary

· Excellent for use to mount artwork containing fabric or other thick material to a dissimilar surface.

· Will not age or yellow.

· Extremely aggressive adhesive.

· Economic alternative to 3M #969 and 3M #950.

Product #452, is an aggressive acrylic adhesive coated on a silicone release liner.  The higher tack gives the picture framer peace of mind in knowing that pictures put together with this product will be intact indefinitely.  High cold and temperature resistant.


This product is capable of replacing thick adhesive products because of its high tack properties.


For those of you that tend to use two or three strips of tape just to secure a difficult matte, because of size or weight, this is the product for you.

Product #452 ATG  1/2” X 36 YDS.

To contact us:

Toll Free:  800-486-0264


E-mail: uspack@msn.com